Read a good book it's a thiller/suspense

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Lust Prevails"

Every soul seeks love from someone and there are no exceptions to this rule. Some seek love stronger than others and it is this soul who grieves the most for none is found. The temptations of life are burdened with possibilities and lies that confront the single.

Today I came to a realization: Love is truly lost to me and what a sad thought but a fact none the less.

Have you ever had a love that hurt you so much that you find yourself unable to commit to another because everything seems to reflect back to that pain? Today was such an awakening for me. I told two possible suitors that I wasn't interested in them because (to me) I felt they were after but one thing and I am after something far more serious. In speaking to one of them, I found my own rude awakening: it isn't them, it is me.

Though they may be after just one thing, it is in my heart that they can be after nothing more than sorrow is overwhelming at the moment.

The love I refer to was a man I found myself so intensely infatuated with that I lost myself in the endeavor. I gave him all of me though I knew he did not return the emotional ties I was surrendering to him. What I permitted him was to shame me in the end so dramatically that I fear I may never recover from it. The fear that another would be ashamed to take my hand and boast of the union we share is just unbearable and it is this that I guard against far more than I should (perhaps).

The realization of this causes pause in my own pursuit of happiness. For how can I start something that I fear may end no better? How can I ask another to commit when my own fears cripple me to do as I truly want in my heart but simply can't and I know it. There is no human that wishes to begin a relationship strong and yet this is, more or less, what I'm asking to happen.

However, is it too much to ask of a man to take my hand on that first date? Possibly

In these days of open sex and availability; why would a man wish to cramp his style and take the hand of a lady to boast of the possibility of a future? Do I ask too much to give some minor since of affection or am I justified in my fear? In that; if he is afraid to take my hand on the first; would there come a day that there would be no last? Do I bother waisting my time with any then? I must come to terms with this in my heart and accept that time is no longer needed as I fear there are none left who seek more than a night of pleasure or a month for that matter.

Do not misunderstand these rantings! I am a self-minded and strong woman that does not NEED a man in her life but wishes to claim that lost art called love. Lust has taken its place deceiving all who come to relent to it; speaking lies to the heart that wishes love, perpetuating the lie that it is indeed love when it is not. I am a woman who loves who she is and wishes to share that with someone deserving. However, this loveless generation seems to permeate the desires of the flesh thus replacing the desires of the heart: So be it.

My realization is not that I have forever lost love but rather - Love will forever be lost from me. Does it sadden me? Yes, I would be lying if I said it has no affect on me in such a manner. Just the same; I have been alone for some time gone by now and if it is to be this way for my continued days: So be that as well. I did have the need and obligation to write my thoughts on this if simply for another heart who has come to this same realization: Your thoughts are justified.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Check out the sneak peeks...


Now remember, you are dealing with a twisted mind: So I've been

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Destined to Remain in the Stone Ages"

Here it is good people of Alabama, we are destined to live in the stone age and leave progression to other neighboring states of our Union. The people have become dormant to the Capital and laws remain as they were when the state was colonized. This was in the news and I give it to you...

"MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WTVM) -- The Alabama Supreme Court handed down a ruling late Friday on electronic bingo. While, it's still unclear, though, just how it will impact today's attempted raids, the justices ruled that legal bingo in the state has to involve human action and can't let the machine do most of the work.

Governor Bob Riley's office went to the Alabama Supreme Court after the town of Ashville established a city ordinance allowing electronic bingo.

The governor sent a statement to News Leader Nine Friday saying this decision defines bingo and that definition applies statewide. He adds it proves electronic bingo is illegal in Alabama."

So many companies and opportunists have attempted to enter our state and it has failed. If our Governing status does not change; neither can we. Our growth will be shallow at best. Alabama, will you fail yourselves and prohibit your own growth?

"Is Alabama becoming a Hitler State?"

It may be a strong question and it was intended as such. When our government officials no longer hear what the people want, it is no longer a democracy but a communist state of affairs.

The largest percentage of Alabama is screaming to retain Country Crossing and permit the bingo hall as is but Governor Bob Riley is not listening and has waged his own personal war on a business that brings the greatest promise to Alabama since it has become a part of the Union. Yet he sees it as an illegal gambling affair: Then change the laws Governor Riley but leave Country Crossing alone and let us work for a living. If you don't wish to do that then YOU FIND JOBS FOR THOSE YOU ARE PUTTING OUT OF WORK. The economy is in bad enough shape and "WE THE PEOPLE" want to work, "WE THE PEOPLE" want Country Crossing to remain, and "WE THE PEOPLE" want our voices heard.

This American, This Alabamian has her fist up in defiant regulatory example and will not settle for anything less than a democracy. I urge any citizen to pronounce your intentions to all of your legislators and encourage these changes we must insure for our future. stand up America, Stand up Alabama; be heard and let the voices of the citizens be known.

Thank you for reading my determinations to succeed in expanding a voice for "The People".

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

President Obama's State of the Union Address

Tonight, Jan 27th, 2010 was a strong night for our President.

As an American, I have had some concerns for our President's capabilities and it is not that this has completely settled those concerns but it did ease them some. His Address to the Union was a strong one and incited passions from many United States Citizens.

I was on twitter, again, as I watched the Address the twitter board was running wild with Americans adding their thoughts: Good and bad. Mine were not based on a Democratic opinion rather an Americans opinion.

You see, as Americans, it is our responsibility to obtain our own balance; not our governments. True it is our strong hold however "We are the government" and it is our responsibility to assure that America comes out of this recession. We must stop leaning on our leaders to walk the walk "for" us. We must take this walk America. We must band together, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again.

WE ARE IN A MESS AND "WE" MUST FIND OUR WAY OUT OF THIS HOLE or we will be buried in it. So my fellow Americans - come together as Americans, not republican, not democratic but just Americans banding together to find resolution and write to your Senate, Governor, and our President - THEY WORK FOR US - REMEMBER THAT! WE HIRED THEM, WE ARE TO ASSURE THAT THEY ARE DOING THE JOB RIGHT. LET THEM HEAR YOUR VOICES AMERICA.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"My thoughts prior to 01/22/2010"

"If I had but one but one wish in the world to be granted it would be that time stood still for a fragment of space - that dreams should come true: Be not concerned for my well being good friends, rather be concerned that these dreams have failed to come true. The world is as I will leave it and the improvement has lacked in sufficiency. Mourn not for the loss of a loved one but for the loss of the world. Be of good heart for I leave that which is swollen with pride and take with me but in humble subservience."

Lisa R Taylor

It is amazing how the world can change one's perspectives just by caring!

"Hope For Haiti Telethon"

Jan. 22nd, 2010 was a very momentous day: It was the day the world came together to go to the aid of a small nation. It was amazing to watch the outpouring of the world's largest countries answer the call of desperate voices in need. China was among these great Nations that opened the doors to the needs of Haiti. It is probably the first time in all history that the world set aside the differences we burden ourselves with and came together in love and compassion; what an amazing event this night was.

Never in my life have I gone to lay my head to rest with a new lease on the human race as I will right now. I will fall to my knees and ask blessings to our world for the blessings that were showered on Haiti this night...Lord see your people, look what has transpired in the name of humanity and for the sake of compassion. See what we have done in your glory on this night. Blessed be, there is good in all humanity and hope for all our futures in this eye opening event!